Staff Reporter : To ensure internet safety in the country the voluntary organization Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation (CCAF) have joined Bangladesh Safe Interner Forum (BSIF), an advocacy platform for online safety initiated by Robi Axiata PIC, to raise public awareness to combat internet-based unethical activines, cybercrimes, identity theft and cyber safety risks for women and children.

Since its establiskanent in 2015, CCAF has been playing a significant role m rassing public awareness and enhancing skills in the field of cybersecurity. On the other hand, Robi’s initiative, BSIF is an effective platform dedicated to promoting responsable and safe mternet use.

Under this joint initiative, several significant measures have been adopted to ensure a safe cyber environment for the public across country. Among these is the URL. blocking service With the support of the National Telecommunication Monitoring Center (NTMC). hattuful and unethical websites can now be blocked both manually and automatically Additionally, a helpline (code number 1098) has been launched in collahoration with the Department of Social Services to provide one-stop service for ensuring children’s safety
Furthermore, partnerships with service-oriented organizations such as Save the Children International and ActionAid Bangladesh have expanded the scope of these activities. A high-level three-year roadmap has also been outlined, which mcludes implementing child protection policies, traming and awareness programs to prevent cybercrimes.
Shahed Alam, Robi’s Chief Corporate and Regulatory Officer said, “Our primary goal is to minimize cybersecurity risks and ensure a safe internet experience for all. Through the jount efforts of BSIF and CCAF, we are striving to achieve this objective.
CCAF’s President, Kazi Mustafin said. “As part of our long-term plan, we aim to involve every citizen of Bangladesh in cybersecurity initiatives. We are delighted to have a committed parmer like Rohi For more information, please visit of follow us on social medan
ABOUT ROBI : Robi Axiata Limted (Robi) ss a public limited company, where Asian telecom gist, Axiata Group Berhad, based in Malaysia, holds the majority shareholding (61.82%). Aside from the public shareholders (10%), the global telecom giant, Bharti Airtel, headquartered in New Delhi, India, holds 28.18% of shares in the company. Robi is the second largest mobile network operator in Bangladesh creating new digital experiences for the people of the country. Through sustained investment Robi has created a zobust telecom infrastructure to deliver innovation to all corners of the country. In addition to delivering its innovative digital products and services, the country-wide telecom infrastructure serves as the key enabler for the growing digital eco-system of the country. Be it urban or rural, people find their way to Digital Bangladesh through Robi.